What is BTB FoundationThe Be The Ball Foundation's focus is to actively promote youth participation in all ball sports for a healthier and active lifestyle. With child obesity reaching an all time high, the foundation's first project is to produce nine Public Service Announcements using major sports figures to deliver the message of participation. In addition to high profile PSA's, the foundation contributes funds to local sports teams for kids.
"Be the Ball" phrase and animated BTB characters will play an active role in the announcements by reinforcing the message to our youth.
Currently, the Be the Ball Foundation is seeking private and corporate financial sponsorship for the creation of the PSA's.
"One out of five children in the United States is overweight and childhood obesity has nearly doubled in the last 20 years. Obese children experience such disorders as hypertension, high cholesterol and type-2 diabetes...previously only seen in adults.
Lack of exercise is the primary cause of obesity among kids. Active children are more likely to become healthy adults, they perform better academically, miss less school, and are less likely to abuse alcohol or drugs. So get out there and play football or any other sport that keeps you active and healthy."
- Barry Sanders
How BTB Sunglasses HelpBTB Sunglasses was started in part to help fund the BTB Foundation. A portion of every sale goes directly to the Foundation and the effort to fight against childhood obesity.
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